Send a Survey Question Workflow [VIDEO]

When a new member joins our community, they arrive eyes wide open, filled with excitement and anticipation for the experiences that lay before them. They’re primed and eager to explore all the possibilities and value that our community can deliver! But, understanding the individualized needs of each new community member can be a daunting task, especially at scale. It’s for this reason that we’ve created the “Send a Survey Question” Workflow. With this powerful workflow, we can send out survey questions to new members at scale, respond to their answers with personalized messages, and even add them to segments so we can cater to their specific needs. In this example, we’ll build a survey question workflow that triggers when a new member joins our Slack community, sends them a question about what community topics they’re interested in, then sends them a personalized follow-up message, and finally adds them to a segment based on their topic of interest.

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