Sales Engagement integration

Gong Engage + Common Room

Power your outbound with context from every buying signal.

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No more relying on irrelevant references to fuel your Gong sequences. Craft messaging that converts by pairing Common Room’s deep buyer context from over 30 channels with your Gong sequences to deliver the right message to the right buyer at the right time.

How our integration works:

  • Use Common Room playbook segments to group and sort high-fit Members by specific signal-based attributes like “Members engaged on social in the last 28 days” or “New Member Product Sign Ups in your Book of Business” etc.
  • Or dig into the Member profile to uncover a nugget of information that could be relevant for your outreach efforts. For example product usage, social engagement, demographic data, which can aid in determining the most suitable targeted sequence.
  • Select one or multiple Members to add to an Gong sequence in just one click using or out-of-the-box Gong integration.
  • Select from your sequences or company wide sequences to send the perfect outbound.
  • If you've identified successful plays, you can use Common Room Workflow Automations to automatically send specific Members that perform certain actions directly to a specific sequence. For example you can create a workflow that sends Members that visit the pricing page 3 or more times directly into a pricing page Gong sequence for quick outreach.

When combined with the automation powers of Gong sequencing, this integration significantly improves your chances of booking higher quality meetings.

About Gong

Gong helps companies transform their revenue organizations by harnessing customer interactions to increase business efficiency, improve decision-making and accelerate revenue growth.

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