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Blog title card with title: "Turn anonymous visits into real revenue"
May 30th, 2024

Not just another website tracker


Let’s be honest: Website activity tracking isn’t exactly groundbreaking. Not anymore, at least.

If you want to deanonymize website visitors, you’ve got tons of tools to choose from (hundreds, in fact, according to G2’s visitor identification software listings).

In other words, tracking the people and companies peeking at your web pages is about as commoditized as SaaS gets.

So why are we jumping into this space?

Because we built Common Room to help you capture every signal, everywhere. Connect it to a real person and account. And automate action on it.

The end-to-end customer journey, all in one place.

We’re giving our customers a new way to eliminate pointless point solutions and scale intelligent go-to-market—minus the technical hoop-jumping—by natively tracking and deanonymizing website visitors directly in Common Room.

Our customers already think of us as their customer intelligence command center (it’s kind of our thing). With website visitor tracking, we’re making it easier than ever.

See every signal in one spot

What do sales teams and AI models have in common? They’re only as good as the data you give them.

Put another way: When it comes to running GTM intelligently (or building LLMs, for that matter), more is more.

More signals across more surface area means more context for every contact and account.

Now you can pump website activity signals directly into Common Room using a simple Javascript snippet. Our AI-powered identity resolution and enrichment engine will do the rest.

Image of website deanonymization

Common Room automatically captures and enriches data from form fills, email URL clicks, product log-ins, and IP addresses to show you the individuals and organizations visiting specific pages on your site, how frequently, and for how long.

Even better, we combine this info with every other signal captured in Common Room—including product usage, CRM records, and engagements across social, community, and open-source channels—to give you full visibility into who your visitors are and what they’re saying and doing across digital touchpoints.


Contact information, cross-channel activities, and key demographic and firmographic details are served up on a silver platter in unified profiles for every contact and organization.

Image of website visitor tracking

Our customers don’t just want to know when someone's visiting their site, they want to know when:

  • Open opportunities in Salesforce spend serious time looking at the logo wall
  • An economic buyer lands on the pricing page for the third time this week
  • Employees from an ICP-match account pass around a blog post
  • An IT team member browses the terms of service
  • A free trial user tabs between integration options
  • You get the idea

Because, yes, website visits are important.

But they’re even more important when they’re from freshly hired decision-makers at target accounts who are liking your competitors’ posts on LinkedIn, sourcing product recommendations on X (Twitter), and asking pricing questions in Slack.

Like any signal viewed on its own, website activity gives you a peek at your prospects.

When you combine it with all of the customer intelligence collected in Common Room—and connect each signal to a real person and account—you get the full picture.

Image of web-based team alert

Take action automatically

The signals at your fingertips are only as good as what you do with them.

That’s why we’ve integrated website visitor tracking into all of Common Room’s intelligent automations.

Image of web-based workflow

Here are just a few ways our beta customers have already worked website signals into their GTM strategies:

From lead scoring to segmentation to fully customizable alerts and workflows, website visitor tracking gives our customers one more way to automate action and personalize outbound at scale.

Cut out signal silos

Our customers weren’t clamoring for website activity tracking in Common Room because they didn’t have a tool for it.

Quite the opposite. A lot of times they had more than one. And that was the problem.

They were tired of reps spending more time tab-hopping than prioritizing prospects. They were tired of managing and maintaining yet another data silo. And they were tired of paying for the privilege.

Lots of point solutions claim to be “best of breed.” But adding another SKU to the pile isn’t a recipe for driving results—it’s a blueprint for rep exhaustion and inefficiency.

Not only that, without identity unification and GTM automation, best-of-breed point solutions become just another siloed, rarely-used tool.

Signal-based strategy only works if signals are captured, unified, and made actionable in one place. Otherwise reps spend more time switching screens than selling.

Image of signals available in Common Room

No matter what you want to do with your website signals (or your other signals)—be it adding contacts to Outreach, sending them to a HubSpot workflow, syncing their records with  a Salesforce campaign, or anything else—you can do it from Common Room.

No context switching or technical help required.

Org-level deanonymization. Fully enriched person-level visitor identification. Org- and contact-level filters to easily bake these signals into sales plays and workflows. All presented as part of a 360-degree view of buyer actions and attributes across channels.

We’re very excited to bring native website visitor tracking to our customers. We want to make it as easy as possible for GTM teams to action on every signal in one place.

If you already have a solution you love, that’s fine, too. Bring it along. We integrate with dozens of signal providers—website visitor tracking tools included—to help you expand the scope of what's possible.

Because at the end of the day, collecting a single signal isn't difficult. Transforming it into actionable intelligence is.

We're here to help you get there in whatever way works best for you.

Stay tuned. Our new website visitor tracking is just the start.

Turn page visits into pipeline with Common Room

Get started for free or get in touch to see how Common Room can help you connect website activity to full profiles for every person and account.