Go-to-market motion
Signal source
SocialNews + eventsWebsite
Signal strength
When a target account gets a pat on the back (think things like G2 awards or flattering news profiles), it gives you a reason to get in touch.
Time to say congrats and keep your company top of mind with a relevant message.
Don’t just offer up hollow praise and immediately launch into a sales pitch.
Zero in on likely economic buyers and calibrate your messaging to align with the award or recognition. Accolades and news coverage can tell you a lot about an organization’s business priorities.
Questions to inform outreachHere’s an outbound template to help you get the creative juices flowing:
Outbound template for award or recognitionHi [first name] 👋
Congrats on the [award or recognition]!
It sounds like [company name] is laser-focused on [inferred use case].
I work a lot with [names of current customers in the same industry] to help them [benefit that product unlocks related to inferred use case]:
[drop in quote or customer story]
I’d be happy to walk you through how we can help [company name] [ROI statistic].
Let me know your thoughts.
[Your name]
Signal Guide
Signal Guide
News + eventsSocial
Signal Guide
News + eventsSocial
Signal Guide
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