Go-to-market motion
Signal source
SocialNews + events
Signal strength
Similar to a funding announcement, an earnings call or 10-K release can provide a reason for reaching out.
Money ready to invest, problems that need to be solved—you can glean a lot of insights about business priorities and how your product or service might be able to help.
Dig deeper into financial reports to get a grip on business challenges and potential initiatives—as well as key stakeholders to outbound.
The goal is to reach out with relevance—not just use earnings calls or 10-Ks as fluffy personalization for a generic pitch.
Questions to inform outreachHere’s an outbound template to help you get the creative juices flowing:
Outbound template for earnings call/10-K releaseHi [first name],
Spotted the news on [news outlet].
Looks like [company name] is [insight from earnings call or 10-K release related to business challenge or objective].
I work with [names of current customers in the same industry] to help them [benefit that product unlocks related to business challenge or objective]:
[drop in quote or customer story]
If that’s a use case [company name] is looking to tackle, I’d love to chat more.
[Your name]
SocialNews + events
News + eventsSocial
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