New account sign-up

Why it matters

New account sign-ups are the product-led equivalent of eBook downloads and newsletter subscriptions—they indicate that someone is interested in what you’re offering and wants to learn more.

It pays to keep eyes on any person (or persons) who want to try before they buy.

What to do

Not all free trials and freemium plan sign-ups are worth your time. Start by separating the best opportunities from the rest.

If the person signed up using a personal email address, enrich it to connect the dots between their address and their organization. Then do a deep dive into their org to see if it’s the right fit. Once you know the sign-up warrants outreach, tailor your message accordingly.

Questions to inform outreach

How to do it

Here’s an outbound template to help you get the creative juices flowing:

Outbound template for new account sign-up