When searching for contacts or creating segments in Common Room, you'll be able to filter by website activity as well as add native website fields to your table views in segments and explorers.
Filter name
Pages visited
Allows you to filter to the pages a particular contact or organization in an organization have visited. For example, you could filter all contacts that have visited the "/pricing" page.
Number of pages visited
Allows you to filter by the number of pages that have been visited by a contact or an organization
Page visit location
Allows you to filter by the page visit location by a contact or organization
Visitor type
Allows you to filter organizations by whether or not their visits have been Anonymous , Known or, Both
Number of visitors
Allows you to filter organizations by the number of known visitors to the website.
First seen on website
Allows you to filter organizations or contacts by when they first visited the website
Last seen on website
Allows you to filter organizations or contacts by when they last visited the website