HubSpot CRM Integration Guide logoHubSpot CRM Integration Guide

Last updated Oct 16th, 2024


Common Room's bidirectional integration with HubSpot CRM provides Common Room users with additional business context about the Contacts and Organizations in their instance and provides HubSpot users additional context about the Contacts and Companies they are engaging with.

See HubSpot fields, Contacts, Companies, Deals, and Activities alongside data in both Common Room and HubSpot.


The HubSpot integration with Common Room is included on the Enterprise plan and is available as an add-on for Team and Startup plans. Additionally, you must be an admin of your HubSpot CRM instance (with the App Marketplace Access permission) in order to install the Common Room app in HubSpot.

Connect HubSpot to Common Room

  1. Open Settings and select HubSpot from the list of signals.
  2. Confirm that you’re a HubSpot admin. If you aren’t an admin, click the link to invite an admin to your Common Room to continue setting up the integration.
  3. Authenticate the connection to HubSpot.

Setup Inbound Data from HubSpot to Common Room

In this step, you’ll configure how your Contacts, Companies, and Deals will map to Contacts and Organizations in Common Room. Additionally, you can configure how Contacts in Common Room are created from your Hubspot Contacts. You’ll be redirected here after completing the initial connection, but you can always come back to this step by opening Settings → Signals → HubSpot.

Setup Update Settings

  1. Click Set up under inbound data setup > Update settings from the HubSpot settings page in Common Room.
  2. Define which HubSpot fields to map to Common Room. Start by choosing a HubSpot field and then select the associated field in Common Room.
  3. Continue mapping fields for Contacts, Companies, and Deals.
  4. Test and validate the sync with HubSpot.

Setup creates settings

Once you have defined your inbound update settings, it's important to understand that by default, only Common Room contacts that have a matching lead or contact (by email) in Hubspot will be updated with the Hubspot data. If you would like to create net new contacts in Common Room from your Hubspot contacts, use the Create settings to set this up.

Important: You will be setting up a filter criteria based on Hubspot fields. These fields must be mapped in the previous Update step in order to be available in the filter.

Important: If you do not specify any filter criteria and save your create settings, ALL of your Hubspot contacts will be created in Common Room. If you have more than 200k contacts, please contact us before proceeding.

  1. Click Set up under Inbound data setup > Create settings from the Hubspot settings page in Common Room.
  2. Enable the toggle for Create contacts from Hubspot contacts.
  3. Specify the creation filters based on the Hubspot fields.
  4. Confirm that the estimated number of contacts is the expected value with your Hubspot admin.
  5. Press Save changes to proceed with creating contacts in Common Room

Setup Outbound Data from Common Room to HubSpot

Once you’ve setup the inbound data from HubSpot to Common Room, follow along below to configure how Common Room will update and/or create your contacts in HubSpot.

Setup Update Settings

  1. Navigate to the Outbound data setup section of the HubSpot settings page in Common Room.
  2. Click Set up to get started.
  3. Define which fields to map to HubSpot. We’ll recommend some fields to start, but you can map any Common Room field to HubSpot.

Validate Data Updates

Once you’ve finished setting up your field mappings and are ready to test, save the field mapping then open the Contacts explorer page. Find a Contact you know exists in your HubSpot instance, and open their Contact profile. Press the Send to Hubspot button to sync this Contact to HubSpot, then view that contact in HubSpot to confirm that all fields are updated as expected.

Enable Auto Updates

If everything looks good and you’re ready to set up your daily outbound sync, return back to the Outbound update settings page.

Enabling auto-update for contacts will update all contacts in Hubspot that have a matching primary email.

Enabling auto-update for companies will update all companies in Hubspot that have a matching root domain (e.g. and would both be considered a match).

Setup create settings

  1. Navigate to the Outbound data setup section of the Hubspot settings page in Common Room.
  2. Click Start creation setup.
  3. Set Creation settings to control what happens when a Contact is discovered in Common Room that doesn’t yet exist in HubSpot.
  4. Map fields to Hubspot. Similar to the update steps above, Common Room will recommend some fields, but you can add any supported Common Room field.
  5. Define criteria for when a new Contact should be created. You can use all of the filter options available elsewhere in Common Room. (For example, if you only wanted contacts with the titles Software Engineer, Software Developer, and Staff Software Engineer to be created as contacts in Common Room, you could set select the "job title" filter and select these options). Make sure to preview how many Contacts will be created by setting up the corresponding filter in the Contact explorer.

Validate data updates

Once you’ve finished setting up your field mappings and are ready to test, open the Contacts page and find a Contact you that doesn’t yet exist in HubSpot. Note that this Contact will need to have a primary email in order to be synced to HubSpot. Press the "Send to HubSpot" button to sync this Contact to HubSpot and confirm that the corresponding contact is created as expected.

If everything looks good and you’re interested in automatically creating contacts in your HubSpot, return back to the Outbound create settings page to configure your auto-create settings.

Enable auto-updates

If everything looks good and you’re ready to set up your automatic sync, enable the auto-create toggle under Sync settings.

Technical details

Contacts and Activity

When the integration is first configured, Common Room will sync field data for mapped fields (and optionally activities) for all HubSpot Contacts, Companies and Deals that have a corresponding match in your room.

Sync frequency

When the integration is first configured, Common Room will sync field and activity data for all HubSpot Contacts who have a corresponding Contact. Once the integration is configured, Common Room will import new activity from HubSpot every 8 hours. Common Room will sync data back to HubSpot on a daily basis.

Inbound sync details (Hubspot to Common Room)

HubSpot contact fields

HubSpot Contact fields are associated with existing Contacts in Common Room who have a corresponding Contact object in HubSpot. Contacts are matched between Common Room and HubSpot based on the email address associated. You may work with the Common Room team to define the specific Contact fields to import from HubSpot. We recommend importing into Common Room any business context that could be useful to know about a Contact. For example:

EmailContact ownerMarketing emails opened
Lead status
Close date
Last marketing email open date
Create date
Last contacted
Lifecycle stage

HubSpot company fields

HubSpot company fields are associated with organizations tied to Contacts in Common Room. You may work with the Common Room team to define the specific company fields to import from HubSpot. We recommend importing into Common Room any business context which could be useful to know about an organization. For example:

Company nameLead statusDays to close
Company domain name
Create date
Close date
Lifecycle stage
Company owner
Total revenue

HubSpot deal fields

HubSpot deal fields are associated with deals tied to organizations withContacts in Common Room. You may work with the Common Room team to define the specific deal fields to import from HubSpot. We recommend importing into Common Room any business context which could be useful to know about an organization. For example:

Deal nameCreate dateAnnual contract value (ACV)
Deal stage
Close date
Monthly recurring revenue (MRR)
Deal owner
Annual recurring revenue (ARR)

HubSpot activities

The following HubSpot activities are available to pull into Common Room. Please contact us to enable this feature.

  • Meetings attended
  • Marketing emails received
  • Forms submitted
  • Emails sent
  • Emails received

Community-qualified leads and contact creation in HubSpot from Common Room

It's common to have Contacts who are potential leads and ready to engage with a Contact of your sales team, but who aren't yet created as a contact in your HubSpot.

Common Room can help you automatically identify community-qualified leads based on criteria specific to your business (e.g. Industry = Financial Services AND Annual revenue > $1M AND > 2 Slack posts in the last month AND mentioned “pricing”). You may work with the Common Room team to define your automated community qualification criteria.

After you review a Contact tagged as a community-qualified lead in Common Room, you can manually push the Contact to HubSpot via the "Send to HubSpot" button on the Contact profile to create a new Contact for your sales and marketing teams to review. When you create a new Contact in HubSpot via Common Room, Common Room populates the following HubSpot contact fields by default:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Original Source (set as Offline Sources)
  • Original Source Drill-Down 1 (set as Integration)
  • Original Source Drill-Down 2 (set as Common Room)

You may work with the Common Room team to define the additional community context you would like to sync to HubSpot as contact fields.

Outbound sync details (Common Room to Hubspot)

Contact field sync to HubSpot

For any Contacts already synced between HubSpot and Common Room, Common Room can automatically update their HubSpot contact fields to include relevant context.

We generally recommend creating new HubSpot fields for any context being sent back to HubSpot from Common Room to prevent overriding of existing data.

The following fields are available to sync into Hubspot for contacts:


Company field sync to HubSpot

For any organizations synced between HubSpot and Common Room, Common Room can automatically update their HubSpot company fields to include relevant context. This functionality is currently available only by request so please contact us if you would like to set this up.

We generally recommend creating new HubSpot fields for any context being sent back to HubSpot from Common Room to prevent overriding of existing data.

For tracking which contacts are created by Common Room in your Hubspot instance, map “Profile Url” in the “Outbound Create” mapping section. Then, filter within HubSpot for all contacts where the Profile Url field is not empty to find the records created by Common Room.

The following fields are available to sync into Hubspot for companies:

Capital Raised
Common Room Org Link
Community Engaged
Employee Count
First Activity Date
First Activity Signal
First Seen Date
First Seen Signal
Impact Points 12 Weeks
Impact Points All Time
Last Activity Date
Last Activity Signal
Last Seen Date
Last Seen Signal
Number of Active Members 12 Weeks
Number of Active Members All Time
Number of Members
Resolved Location City
Resolved Location Country
Resolved Location Country Region
Revenue Range Max
Revenue Range Min
Sub Industry

Contact and company widgets in HubSpot

After you install the app, a Common Room widget will automatically appear on your HubSpot contact and company objects. These widgets are intended to provide HubSpot users with context about how Contacts and Companies have been engaging. Stronger engagement can indicate a higher likelihood to close.


Is there a particular reason for setting up a different integration account in HubSpot for authenticating the integration?

The primary reason to set up an integration account is that, if you don’t, the HubSpot integration will break (and need to be reconnected) if/when the person who connected HubSpot leaves your company.

Is it possible to integrate both HubSpot and Salesforce with Common Room?

If you use Salesforce as your CRM and HubSpot as your MAP (Marketing Automation Platform), you may want to integrate both with Common Room to get a holistic view of your Contacts and organizations. This is possible today, but it’s important to keep a few important things in mind.

  1. Syncing data into Common Room: The main consideration when syncing data in from both HubSpot and Salesforce is that it may be difficult to differentiate which custom field is mapped to which tool. A simple recommendation here is to prefix custom field names based on the tool, for example, HS Lead Status and SF Lead Status
    • Syncing data out to HubSpot / Salesforce: When syncing data out of Common Room, the most important consideration is any existing sync between HubSpot and Salesforce. Most customers we’ve worked with either have a bi-directional sync with a subset of qualified Leads from HubSpot to Salesforce or sync all Leads between HubSpot and Salesforce. If you’re interested in syncing data out from Common Room in either of these scenarios, we recommend that you pick one tool to target in order avoid any conflicts during the sync.

What fields do you recommend we map from Common Room to Hubspot?

Here are some commonly mapped fields for contacts:

  • Profile Url -> "Common Room Profile URL"
  • Company name -> "Common Room Company Name"
  • Title -> "Common Room Job Title"
  • Employment Role -> "Common Room Job Role"
  • Professional email -> "Common Room Work Email"
  • All emails -> "Common Room Email(s)"
  • Signals -> "Common Room Signals"
  • First Activity Date -> "Common Room First Activity Date"
  • First Activity Signal -> "Common Room First Activity Signal"
  • City -> "Common Room City"
  • Region -> "Common Room State/Region"
  • Country -> "Common Room Country"

Here are some commonly mapped fields for companies:

  • Industry -> "Common Room Industry"
  • Employee Count -> "Common Room Employee Count"
  • # Revenue Range Min -> "Common Room Min Revenue"
  • # Revenue Range Max -> "Common Room Max Revenue"

Can I send a Contact from Common Room to a HubSpot workflow?

Yes, you can! You can do this in one of three ways:

  1. Pressing the "Add to workflow" button from a Contact's profile
  2. Selecting multiple Contacts from the Contact explorer and pressing the "Add to workflow" action button
  3. By creating a workflow from scratch and adding the "Add to HubSpot workflow" action as the last step of the workflow

Depending on how your HubSpot outbound settings are configured, the resulting behavior in HubSpot will differ as follows:

  • If you don't have any outbound settings configured, we will do a best-effort assignment of the associated Contact to the workflow without any additional updates. No Contacts will be created in HubSpot.
  • If there is only an update setting configured, we will also update fields for matched Contacts but will never create.
  • If there is only a create setting configured, we will only create new Contacts but not update fields for any of the matched contacts.
  • If both update and create settings are configured, we will send to the workflow, update matched Contacts, and also create new Contacts if we don't have a match.

Can I send a Contact from Common Room to a HubSpot sequence?

Yes, you can! This feature is currently set up by request so please contact us if you're interested.

Before using this feature, there are a few important pre-requisites and caveats to note.

  • Any Hubspot user account account you will be sequencing on behalf of needs to have their personal email connected
  • Each contact can only be enrolled in one sequence at a time. To enroll a contact in a different sequence, they must first be unenrolled from their current sequence. This is a limitation in Hubspot which you can read more about here.
  • Contact emails that bounced in Hubspot previously will automatically be rejected

With these in mind, once you have the feature enabled, you can send a contact to a Hubspot sequence in one of three ways:

  1. Pressing the "Add to sequence" button from a Contact's profile
  2. Selecting multiple Contacts from the Contact explorer and pressing the "Add to sequence" action button
  3. By creating a workflow from scratch and adding the "Add to HubSpot sequence" action as the last step of the workflow

Depending on how your HubSpot outbound settings are configured, the resulting behavior in HubSpot will differ as follows:

  • If you don't have any outbound settings configured, we will do a best-effort assignment of the associated Contact to the workflow without any additional updates. No Contacts will be created in HubSpot.
  • If there is only an update setting configured, we will also update fields for matched Contacts but will never create.
  • If there is only a create setting configured, we will only create new Contacts but not update fields for any of the matched contacts.
  • If both update and create settings are configured, we will send to the workflow, update matched Contacts, and also create new Contacts if we don't have a match.
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